CrossFit ClassesCrossFit Classes

CrossFit Classes in Dublin, Leinster

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CrossFit Classes

What to expect?

At the beginning of each class the coach will brief the members on the workout. During the brief, the coach will explain the stimulus of the workout. This is really important as hitting the stimulus is what makes us fitter. For example, a heavy, sprint, or endurance workout will look different for each member based on their fitness levels. The coach will explain how to scale the workout for each person to achieve the stimulus.

After the brief, the coach will then demonstrate each of the movements in the warm up. The class will then do the warm up.

Then the coach will take the class through a teaching piece. Generally the teaching piece will focus on one movement that is most important in the workout so that everyone in the class has the opportunity to improve their form or skill specific to that movement. This could be learning to brace (breathe properly) in a squat, or it could be learning the technique to use for a kipping pull up. The movement focused on in the teaching piece is normally the main movement in the workout to follow. The coach will demonstrate all movements in the workout (regardless of what the focus of the teaching piece is) so members never need to know by reading the programming what each movement in the workout looks like! We take the thinking out of working out!

CrossFit is coaching-centered. Coaches are there to teach you how to move effectively, efficiently and safely!

The coach will then make sure you have selected the correct weight and movements scaling options to complete the workout while hitting the stimulus and then it’s 3,2,1 GO!

What does scaling mean?

Scaling is the most important part of CrossFit because it’s what allows you to progress! Every day there is a Workout of the Day (WOD). That means on a Monday, all classes are the same. On Tuesday the WOD will change and so on for each day of the week.

In each WOD, there will be specified weights and movements. What is written on the board for each workout is the RX or maximum weight or movement standard for the workout.  For example:

10 Rounds for Time:

10 Back Squats (30/20kg)

10 Handstand Push Ups

In this workout example, the squat is prescribed at 30kg for men and 20kg for women. How many reps you have to do, and how fast you’re expected to do them (i.e. the stimulus) will dictate the weight that you do. Your coach will help you pick an appropriate weight for the workout. In this example, anything under 30/20kg is scaled. RX is like a speed limit. Something to guide you but not something you have to hit. For this workout, it is a sprint. You want to pick something that you can move fast and easily for both the squat and handstand push up. For the squat, that might mean even scaling to body weight or squats to a box!

Scaling can also be applied to body weighted movements. In this example: a handstand push up. Almost all of our beginners do not have the required strength for this movement. In fact, most people who have been doing CrossFit for a few years don’t yet have the required strength for a movement like this. This is when we scale. We would scale this movement based on the individual member’s fitness level, but one example would be a strict press with dumbbells. The process to progress in CrossFit is to scale to where your current fitness level is, and progressively increase the weight or difficulty of the movement until, after time, you’re eventually able to do a handstand push up. We have met lots of people who never thought they would be able to do a movement like a handstand push up! That’s the magic of CrossFit! Stick with it, and you’ll unlock your potential!

Our Programming

CrossFit has a lot of different movements and you can learn them all with us in class! One of the ways we like to optimise our member’s development of these skills is by having a programming focus. This means, depending on the focus, we will spend 5-9 week blocks in specific cycles. For example: powerlifting cycles (getting stronger with a barbell), gymnastic push-pull cycles (getting stronger with body weighted pushing and pulling movements), and olympic lifting cycles (getting better at the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk). 

That doesn’t mean that we only do gymnastics during a gymnastic cycle - it just means the focus is on gymnastics for the teaching. You can chat to one of our coaches now to see what cycle we’re in at the moment! Just use the widget in the bottom right hand corner! We often get people who play other sports who are looking to supplement their training. We can help you figure out what is best for you!

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Trusted and Loved By Hundreds of Dublin Residents

We are located just off Richmond Road between the turn for Philipsburgh Avenue and the turn for Ballybough. The turn for the gym is just beside 'First Class Dry Cleaners'. We have ample parking and spaces for locking up bikes!

Working out at the gym isn't easy. But getting there shouldn't be hard. Rónin CrossFit is located and easily accessible from all of Dublin.

3 Esmond Ave, Fairview, Dublin
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